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blossom last won the day on October 30 2014

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  1. If your contract says that you might be in trouble. Give Fairwork Australia a call. They can tell you if they are breaking any employment laws. They are really helpful.
  2. Yep, you have to wait the two years. The no career opportunities makes no difference. As long as you are doing the job sponsored for immigration doesn't care as you are doing what was agreed. As for the extra hours, if your contract doesn't say you have to do extra hours then you can say no. Fairwork Australia can help you with what they are allowed to and aren't allowed to do. If they are making your work life hard then document EVERYTHING. They have to be following Australian employment law. If they are not then you don't have to stay, but you must be able to show you have done everything in your power to correct the situation and haven't just up and left.
  3. They are working on them. They don't always open a file and grant a visa on the spot. Often they have checks to do, extra info to ask for. While they are waiting for that they move onto other people's visas, so start ones that are later dates. It makes perfect sense. Some checks can take a year or so to come back from some high risk countries. They can't just sit there doing nothing as that file is already open but not finished.
  4. You need to find out the reason before appealing. If it's a valid reason, like the employer hasn't spent enough on training Australians, then there is no point appealing as you won't win. Appealing is only going to have a different outcome if immigration has just missed something which was in place already etc.
  5. Does your husband have a reciprocal Medicare card too? If so, you can cancel your health insurance at any time. If not he'll need to wait until you have pr.
  6. That's how long before they got their visa. Those were a while ago when there really was a long wait.
  7. I've seen a couple of people at 18 months. That's rare though.
  8. She can apply. They might not agree she's a genuine student though.
  9. Has she finished her course? It was she planning on doing another? There is no point wasting money on the MRT if their reason was correct for refusing. She's better off getting them to correct the issue and applying again.
  10. Did you use an agent? Did you apply for visa and nomination at the same time, or was this just the nomination? Every employer must show they have spent money recently training staff. If they can't do that then they can pay some money to get around it. If your employer hadn't done this before applying then there is no point appealing, you'd need to just apply again.
  11. I'm totally lost as to what you mean there. I've never heard of an immigration card for your wallet.
  12. Anyone planning on leaving their employer before the two years without a valid reason, remember immigration are now linked to the tax office do they can see that people are still working for their sponsoring employers. Is it really worth risking your visa for?
  13. I worked for my employer for three years before being granted my rsms visa. So my two years started when the visa was issued. If someone is offshore the two years starts when they actually start work. Your employer can't just say you don't need to work there any more as both you and they agreed with immigration that your visa was tied into you working there for two years from visa grant. Either side who pulls out has to have a valid reason.
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